I haven’t been blogging much recently. While I like writing, the amount of time and effort it takes to present a bolted shut 5000 words investment case puts me off from doing it as often as I’d like. Also, there are plenty of investment blogs around writing great in-depth articles with deep analysis on virtually every stock you can think of in a much more sophisticated way than I’m capable of, or have the patience for.
Therefore, I’ve decided to take my blog in a new direction. Its focus will remain on nano/micro caps, as I believe that’s where the best returns are. But in the future I’ll focus more on special situations (tenders, liquidations) than I have until now. I’ll try to cast a wide net, covering stocks all around the globe.
This also mirrors my personal style of investing better: I like to take positions in countless situations at once, not researching every separate investment case as deep as a more specialized investor should. Over the years this has worked out for me, resulting in a number of failures that perhaps could have been prevented had I dug deeper, but also a number of successes that worked out because I wasn’t as concerned with covering all the angles as a more prudent investor might have been. Needless to say (and even more so now than before), anyone reading this blog should use it as a starting point for doing your own research, never rely on anything I write.
Good reading!